People with disabilities have the right to control their own lives, including the services they receive.
Pinnacle Services’ self-directed programs such as Personal Support/Respite/Homemaker Services (PS) for individuals receiving funding under the Developmental Disability (DD) waiver provides for this control.
We believe that providing services that maximize the family members’ strengths and provide support when appropriate enables the consumer to live in an environment that is the least restrictive. We believe that together we can develop a team that supports the family while it remains the constant and strives to maintain the most normal lifestyle possible.
Personal Support offers flexibility in building transparent support around the consumer. Personal Support staffing and staff related expenses can be purchased with waiver funds using this self-directed option when consumer training is not necessary. Camp, a specialized diet, employing parents of minors and purchasing augmentative therapy might be included in the consumer’s Personal Support Plan. Plans are customized to the consumer, by the consumer or consumer’s representative.
A consumer’s Personal Support Plan must include a habilitative service. Respite and Homemaker Services are two types of habilitative services which could be included in the plan. Respite services are provided to person unable to care for themselves, furnished on a short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of the primary care giver. Homemaker Services include general household activities provided by a trained homemaker, when a person is unable to manage the home or when the person regularly responsible for these activities is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home.
Pinnacle Services will bill as the enrolled Medical Assistance provider, and verify documentation of allowable expenditures. We can provide technical assistance regarding employee and budget issues. Our employees enthusiastically work with families and case managers to analyze and support utilization within resource allocations. Pinnacle Services provides tracking, monitoring and reporting consumer use of the waiver allocation.
As an experienced agency, Pinnacle Services is a seasoned Personal Support, Homemaker, and Respite provider for waiver eligible individuals.
Contact us to learn more about Personal Support/Respite/Homemaker Services (PS).