Careers That Make a Difference

current job openings

Direct Support Specialist

Direct Support Professional

Residential Program Manager

Direct Support Professional - Chaska

Residential Program Manager- Golden Valley

Direct Support Professional - Champlin

Ryan White Specialist

Residential Program Director

Community Support Specialist

Residential Program Manager

Community Culture icon


At Pinnacle Services, we take our responsibilities seriously and work hard to support the people we serve. But we also believe you can do great work while having a great time. Our company culture is a reflection of that commitment to working hard in an inclusive, supportive atmosphere. By celebrating our diversity and acknowledging our individual contributions, we’ve created a welcoming environment where everyone can feel safe to be their authentic self. We are advocates not just for our consumers, but for each other as well, championing our successes and recognizing our achievements. Our team has become a family and we prioritize respect and compassion in everything we do.

To learn more about working at Pinnacle, check out these frequently asked employment questions.