Mission, Vision, Values
Empowering support built on strong principles



Our mission is to ensure that quality services are provided to the people we serve, so that they may achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. We are committed to creating and expanding opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. This is demonstrated by our agency’s contribution to the realization of an individual’s choice of caregivers, support, housing and employment opportunities.
Our vision at Pinnacle Services is to empower people to achieve their full potential and to realize their dreams.
Core Values

- Absolute honesty, integrity and ethics in all aspects of
business. - Encourage people to achieve their full potential.
- Services of the highest quality.
- Work with passion, commitment, and enthusiasm.
- Create fun and happiness in people’s lives.
- Celebrate diversity and the uniqueness of people.
- Be tenacious and innovative agents of change.
- Pursue growth and learning.
Ethical guidelines and standards
- Our advisory board, officers, administrators and directors will provide leadership and direction which reflects the mission, vision and philosophical beliefs of the organization.
- The preferences and choices of the people we serve will determine the direction of their pursuits of meaningful life choices and desired outcomes.
- Our services will be provided with a person-centered approach and according to the unique interests and aptitudes of the individuals being served.
- Our services will be delivered in a manner which promotes the respect, dignity and rights of each individual.
- We will assist individuals to achieve independent and integrated community options that are meaningful and provide personal growth opportunities.
- Our services will facilitate the individuals’ ability to make informed decisions with regard to their choice of community living opportunities and will not be based on program convenience or availability.
- Our services will assist individuals to obtain necessary accommodations which promote their potential for successful community living.
- We will develop respectful partnerships with community members by exchanging education and resources that promote successful outcomes.
- Our services will respect each individual’s right to confidentiality and will be provided in accordance with data privacy regulations, including the agency’s policy regarding social media and witnessing of documents.
- Our services will be provided in a professionally responsible manner, respectful of boundaries, by trained and qualified staff utilizing the most current practices.
- Our marketing efforts will be conducted in a professional manner that is honest, image enhancing and delivered with integrity.
- Our financial planning and management will comply with best business, human resources and contractual relationship practices and applicable legal requirements, including the prohibition of waste, fraud, abuse and other wrongdoing.
- Our staff will refrain from providing services which present a potential conflict of interest and that interfere with the ethical standards of our organization, including the exchange of gifts, money or gratuities, personal fund raising, respect for the individual’s personal property and that of the organization.
- Our services will be provided to individuals without regard to race, age, religion, sex, disability, marital status, affectional preference, public assistance status, ex-offender status or national origin.
- We are committed to our ethical guidelines and standards. Violations of these guidelines can be reported to any of our agency representatives and will be addressed following our established investigative and, as applicable, disciplinary processes.